Thursday, June 20, 2019

Is It Possible to Have a Prejudice Free Society Essay

Is It Possible to Have a Prejudice Free Society - Essay ExampleIt is human behaviour to but distrust or dislike someone and such simple latent feelings often convert into sharp hatred, making people form strong assumptions and theories round why they are prejudiced against others. Such hatred often til now causes people to cause others injury and thus is only a matter of military strength within a persons conscience. The fact of the matter remains - whether or not the society we live in can be bare of prejudice at some point. When children are born, their minds are free of all kinds of thought they usually soak in all the positivity from the environment about them as they are sheltered under the wings of their family members. However, with time, as they begin interacting with different parts of the society, they are taught right and wrong according to their family members. This causes a metamorphose in their attitudes and thus makes them take certain choices which may portray the growing level of prejudice that they feel for other people. Many people have been brocaded in a way so as to hate other groups of people for example the shudra caste in olden India was said to be a group of untouchable people whom no one would interact with or even touch for fear of being heralded with sins. However, as the granting immunity movement gained momentum, leaders like B.R Ambedkar began educating society about how these people were also children of God and deserved a free right to life among other people. They could not be shunned without any reason, without having committed a serious crime or being a grave danger to the other people. In Europe and America, approximately white skinned people were prejudiced against people belonging to different races black or brown skinned people were frowned down upon and given the office of slaves. They were supposed to serve their white masters and were stripped off various rights including using the same transport, eating at t he same places as well as visiting the same places of worship. Cases of Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King have helped to define the border line for letting people give in to apartheid and accept such variety and prejudice caused against people belonging to different races. Today, there are a number of reforms and laws laid down that have helped to abolish such practices all everyplace the world. With time, more and more people have been educated about spirit together with differences and learning to accept another persons thoughts, opinions and perspectives on living life. The world we live in has helped us expose each other to a plethora of new cultures and this gives people the hope that it is possible to live in a world free of prejudice at some point. This is because with time, gradually people are coming to an understanding and learning that every person is later on all trying to live his own life and make a living for himself and his family. Every man is tr ying his best to provide for food, shelter and clothing. The canonic necessities of life are what is important for people to survive, not prejudice. Today, many people around the world have a problem with those practicing the religion of Islam because they feel that subsequently the 9/11 attacks, all Muslims have a single goal of terrorism however, with time, more and more people are coming to the realization that even Islam is a beautiful faith to follow and that the people following it are not doing

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